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The Golf Business Podcast brings you a new piece of original, curated, informative content to help your golf course business thrive and grow.

This podcast is supported by Yamaha Golf Cars, the Official Golf Car Partner of NGCOA.

Dec 27, 2019

This episode's Owner to Owner segment features Whitey O'Malley of Saddleback Golf Club and Rock Lucas of Charwood Country Club discussing winter weather planning, dynamic pricing and how Golf Business Conference 2020 could make you money.

For House Chat, Randy Ballinger, owner of Walnut Creek Golf Course in Indiana, and...

Dec 6, 2019

For Inside Golf Business, Jonathan Wiesel, Nordic consultant/journalist with Nordic Group International in Bozeman, Montana, talks more about the winter activities that can drive off-season revenues at golf courses in a follow up to the November/December issue of the magazine.

In House Chat, Golf...